Saturday, July 10, 2010

Market Photo Report: Peaches, Peppers, Pops, and a Birthday Pose

Today brought the first (early) peaches of the year to the market.
The first bell peppers rang in July, and Sol Pops had a very good day with the weather the way it's been.
Jamie, one of our fabulous market coordinators and the organization behind the Chef in the Market, celebrated a birthday in style.
In other news, my apartment is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hot.
In fact, it's too hot for writing full paragraphs. Enjoy the pretty.


  1. What about a water bottle to spray on your fan so it emits coolness in your face? Lovely pictures again! Eat more pop-cycles!

  2. Hot indeed! Ughhh. Glad we're back in the 80's for now.

  3. I can't wait to taste me some Sol Pops!! My husband and I will be Portland bound in two weeks!! I love your photos as with your words.

  4. Love the photos of the fresh veggies and fruit!
